Our Top Pool Maintenance Tips

Our Top Pool Maintenance Tips

Having your own personal swimming pool seems like the height of luxury. But any pool owner knows the amount of work and care that goes into keeping your backyard oasis sparkling and clean. Here’s what you need to know to ensure your pool always looks good and is well-maintained:
Check Your Water Quality
In order to keep your chlorine levels consistent at all times, you must test your water quality at least once per week and add the right chemicals. The pH balance of your pool should always stay between 7.4 and 7.6. Forgetting about this crucial step means your kids will be submerging themselves in dangerous, bacteria-laden water. Even if you’re not using your pool during the winter months, be sure to check it at least once every couple of weeks.
Shock Correctly
Shocking—raising your pool’s chlorine levels for a short period of time to kill bacteria—should be done at least twice per summer or anytime where the water looks murky. The best way to do this safely is to dilute the concentrated chlorine by mixing it in a bucket of warm water before pouring it into your pool. Be sure you’re wearing protective gloves and goggles!
Use a Tennis Ball
Yes, we’re serious. Sunscreen, shampoo, conditional, and our skin’s natural oils come off into our pool water as we swim, which can leave a greasy residue on the water and clog up the filters. However, the natural fibers on tennis balls can absorb the oils, so throw one into the pool for the best results!
Keep It Clean
Make sure you’re cleaning out your filter every three to six months. Rain and bad weather can quickly dirty your filter, so it’s a good idea to clean it immediately after a heavy storm. Be sure to clean the hair and lint pot on the pool’s pump at least every two weeks as well as the skimmer basket.
Hire a Pro
Even if you’re following all of the above, it’s a great idea to get at least one professional servicing for your pool every year. Professionals can more effectively check pool equipment and parts such as filters, heating systems, and pumps.

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Brenda has found that providing the best service is essentially about putting her clients first. This means keeping herself accessible.

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